Deliver better alumni engagement – with contactSPACE


Deliver engaging conversations

As a phonathon manager, managing messaging is one of your most important objectives. How do you help your student callers deliver effective messaging, without having to spend months memorising information?

With contactSPACE CallGuides®, you can build out flexible messaging frameworks, helping your student callers be successful from the moment they come on board.

CallGuides® enable you to keep your team on-message, while allowing them the flexibility to have an engaging conversation.

CallGuides icon.

Inside the CallGuide®, every possible section of the conversation can be mapped out, and will include key details about the alumni, such as their donation history and major/degree.

No matter the type of campaign you’re running, CallGuides® are extremely easy to build out and customise.

Each interface can be built using a simple drag-and-drop editor, and page-flow rules can also be mapped out visually.


Personalised contact

contactSPACE enables you to deliver individualised contact, helping you connect with graduates on a personal level and improve alumni engagement.

For example, you can:

  • Link callers to alumni based on major/degree. For instance, ensure that business graduates speak to business students.
  • Adapt the conversation based on the alumni major/degree. For example, ask medical students to contribute towards medical research programs.
  • Change the ask amount dependent on the alumni’s giving history, major/degree, and/or career stage.

contactSPACE gives you the ability to design highly specific contact strategies for different types of alumni – no matter the types of calling campaigns your university manages.

Email & SMS

contactSPACE allows you to improve your alumni experience through targeted email/SMS messaging campaigns.

This makes it possible to provide donation receipts and confirmation messages, as well as sending reminders (about alumni events, for example).

Agents can be presented with email/SMS messages that they can send in one click. Or, they can use templates that can be edited slightly to add that personal touch.

Reminder messages or wider broadcasts can also be sent automatically, using contactSPACE Intellicast®.

Multichannel icon.


Easy to use icon.

Human-centred design

Above all, contactSPACE is engineered to be as intuitive as possible to use. The system is built using a philosophy of human-centred design, meaning contactSPACE is extremely easy to begin using successfully.

Student callers can get up and running in no time, with minimal training required. Every aspect of the user interface is colour-coded, with buttons and prompts that are easy to understand.

contactSPACE is designed to allow users to achieve great results extremely quickly. From the moment that they first log in, your student callers will have all the information they need to deliver engaging interactions, in a way that’s easy to access and understand.

No coding necessary

contactSPACE is built for business users.

Agent interfaces can be designed using an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, with no coding required.

Initiatives can be built using an easy step-by-step wizard, which makes it easy to get up and running, and allows you the flexibility to continually optimise contact strategies.

Even the more advanced functions of contactSPACE, such as data filters, skills-based-routing, and dialling settings can be set-up and optimised at any time with ease.

For team leaders, contactSPACE provides the controls you need to ensure an incredible alumni experience.


Auto diallers

contactSPACE features a suite of auto diallers to ensure your team spends as much time as possible talking to alumni, rather than listening to dial-tones or messagebanks.

The agent can preview the record and then choose when to dial, or the record can be dialled automatically after a set delay.

Each dialling mode also features other productivity enhancement tools. For example, contactSPACE can be set to automatically wrap the call after a specified amount of time, minimising time wasted on these types of delays.


PCI compliant payments

contactSPACE allows your alumni to make seamless credit card payments over the phone, while ensuring complete PCI compliance, using pcipayspace.

Callers can guide the supporter throughout the entire transaction, providing instructions, and resetting the process if a mistake is made.

However, callers never see card details. And while the call is still recorded, DTMF tones are shielded from the recording. The end result? Complete PCI compliance.

PCI compliance icon.

Performance visibility

contactSPACE is equipped with powerful real-time dashboards, allowing team leaders to identify and rectify problems as soon as they come up.

To develop deeper insights, contactSPACE features a powerful reporting module. You could use the agent report for example to identify those that need support, or the conversion report to analyse overall team performance.

contactSPACE is also equipped with a complete quality assurance (QA) module, allowing you to review and grade call recordings to ensure that you’re delivering engaging conversations – every single time.

Who we help

contactSPACE helps a number of different universities and colleges improve alumni engagement and fundraising efforts.

Many of these teams have seen amazing results from moving their telefundraising in-house, or moving away from complex legacy fundraising solutions.

View our customer case studies to learn more about the results contactSPACE customers are achieving.

ASTIA Case Study

Learn more about how we help ASTIA, a leading fundraising outsourcer based in Sydney, achieve great results for a massive number of different clients.

Blackbaud integration

contactSPACE is an accredited Blackbaud Cloud Technology Partner.

The solution comes with an out-of-the-box integration with Raiser’s Edge NXT, as well as a number of other CRM solutions, allowing you to effortlessly sync your supporter data and call outcomes.


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